Tuesday, November 17, 2015

TGAHP 18: Now You See It.

TGAHP 18: Now You See It.

In this episode Bill tries to help Ralph learn how to control his flying but his plan goes belly up. Ralph discovers a new power that has him seeing a deadly future for the one he loves. Cuban spies are up to no good as they target the paper tiger known as Beller aircraft. Boy those Beller guys better beef up their security.

 Will Ralph save the very lovely and talented Pam? Will the listeners of this show please please please give us a nice rating on iTunes?  Will Ralph's new power help him defeat the bad guys once again? Will that nasty cat ever stop hissing at Ralph and Bill? Did Jeff Daniels have an un-credited role as a jet pilot or is it just his doppelganger?

 Find out the answers to these questions and much much more on the latest episode of The Greatest American Hero Podcast!

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